Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Soloist - Notes on Featurette

The Soloist is based on a real life story from a newspaper article. Steve Lopez is a LA Times Columnist who wrote the article on Nathaniel in real life. Steve humanises the problems that are happening in America. Joe Wright the director was wary of telling a story about a country he knew nothing about. A lot of time was spent with people such as Steve and Nathaniel from the real life story. Extras who had never done it before and real homeless people from the area were used. The Soloist was filmed on the real Skid Row. This helped them and provided jobs. Jamie was taught to learn the Cello for the role of Nathaniel. They only had 4 weeks to get the set ready and 50 members of the crew.

The problem with the film was that it was a sombre film and there was no happy ending because the film was based on a true story. The problem was trying to find an honest ending. The ending is left open and Joe Wright said that he "doesn't like to prescribe how an audience should feel at the end of the film."

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