Friday, 16 April 2010

Evaluation Task 1

The title of my magazine is “Amplified.” This fits in with the genre of my magazine which is Indie Rock/Pop music and the artists in this genre use amps and guitars. The models who feature in my magazine are wearing clothing that would normally be associated with the Indie Rock/Pop genre of music and how artists would dress in magazine such as Q and NME. My front cover picture included a guitar which often is featured in music magazines – this fits in with the genre of the magazine where the artists play guitar. In my Contents page my model is biting tape from a cassette – once again this fits in with the magazine being a music magazine and makes it individual.The colour scheme of my magazine is black, white and burgundy. This challenges the forms and conventions of music magazine because often a lot of colour is used and burgundy isn’t a colour that is normally used. I wanted to make my magazine individual and different so therefore I thought the colour burgundy would suit my magazine. The music artists are represented as being confident, professional and relaxed. This conforms to the forms and conventions of real media products. The genre of my magazine is Indie Rock and Pop. This is shown because of the title of the magazine and the models are wearing Indie style clothes and the front cover picture includes a guitar. The bands included are from the Indie Rock/Pop genre. This uses the conventions of music magazines because lots of magazine are from this genre and use the previous techniques to show this. The font and style of my magazine is very consistent. The same font is used throughout but different sizes and font colours are used. This challenges the conventions because normally a variety of fonts are used but at the same times conforms because it looks consistent and there is a variety of different styles.
The layout of the front page uses the conventions of a real music magazine. The picture is in the centre with the title of the magazine in big above it. A strip line is used and a variety of article headings. The Contents Page includes a variety of pictures, headings and numbers which are convention of a magazine. To make my magazine different the title of the page is along a strip line of pictures on the left hand side. The double page spread uses conventions of a music magazine such as a large picture.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Evaluation Task 2

On the left is an image of Katie White from the Indie band the "Ting Tings" and on the right is the model Hannah on the front page of my magazine "Amplified."Katie and Hannah are both similar weight and height and wear little make-up. Despite some physical differences they are both looking away from the camera to show an element of secrecy and mysteriousness. They are both young musicians who play Indie Rock/Pop music which is the genre of music that my magazine features. Although Katie is wearing more extravagant, individual clothing than Hannah, they are both holding their guitars which not only fits in with the genre of the magazine but shows their rebellious "rock chick" appearance. Despite a female being featured on the front page of my magazine I still think my magazine appeals to both men and women because of the colour scheme and because the model isn't made to look overly girly.

Evaluation Task 3

The previous voice clip is about the key features of my magazine and why the magazine is publishable.

A publishing company makes information available for public view. The process of publishing includes acceptance and negotiation, editorial, design sales and marketing stages, editorial stage, design stage, sales and marketing stage and printing.

Magazine can be distributed through the mail; through sales by newsstands, bookstores or other vendors, or through free distribution at selected pick up locations. The worldwide magazine distribution company are well known and have distributed many magazines such as NME,Q and Rolling Stone magazine. I would use a distributor such as the WWMD because the magazines they distribute are from the same genre of music as my magazine and they deal with a variety of different magazines including specialist magazines.

The money for my magazine would have come from advertising in my magazine such as adverts for new albums and gigs. Business loans can be obtained from the local bank to fund the magazine as you need enough financing to fund the company though its first year of business. i would also use sponsors to get my magazine started.

Instutionally my magazine is similar to Q and NME because they are from the same genre of music and would appeal to a similar target audience of males and females and 16-24 year olds.

Evaluation Task 4

My target audience is 16-24 year old males and females who have an interest in Indie Rock/Pop music. In the picture above I have included a variety of things that my target audience would be interested in. These include Indie band such as "The Smiths," social networking sites such as "facebook" and go to fast food restaurants such as "Mcdonalds." They would mostly be students from both working class and middle class backgrounds. They would buy the magazine because it features the latest artists and music which attracts the younger audience. Also, because the colours are gender neutral so that the magazine attracts both males and females.

Evaluation Task 5

Using Slideshare, I have produced a powerpoint on how I attracted/addresed my audience in my final coursework pieces.

Evaluation Task 6

This is a picture of my magazine on Photoshop. Before starting this AS Media course I had never used Photoshop before. Since I first started I have learnt loads about the programme. Using a magnetic lasoo I cut round my images. This was difficult at first but after using tools such as the rubber tool I was able to neaten the edges of my image. Using a website called I was able to find a font I wanted to use as the title of my magazine. I copied and pasted it into photoshop and adapted the sizing. For my subheadings and font on my contents page and double page spread I used a Bevel effect to make the font stand out in an effective way. This made it stand out and look unique. I made a black strip line at the bottom of my front page using the rectangle tool and used a burgundy font to make it stand out amongst the black background. On my contents page I also used a strip line on the left hand side of the page and used an opaque effect on the pictures. It took me a long time to get the pictures exactly the same size but it was worth it in the end. On my double page spread I used the ruler tool to mease the columns and make sure they were all the same size.

This is me on photoshop making changes to my magazine. I spent a lot of time using these school computers as I had no access to photoshop from home and I was determined to spend as much time on it as possible. I also used programmes such as slideshare to share my pitch to everyone and blogger to blog all my ideas and progress along the way.

This is the camera I used to take all the pictures for my magazine. I was able to change the settings to adapt the photos. Using lamps I was able to adapt the lighting to make the pictures look better. I used a website called to adapt my photos and change the contrast.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Evaluation Task 7

In the image above I have used a split screen to compare my Final Front Page and Contents page to my first preliminary pieces. Since doing my first preliminary pieces I have learnt loads more including about Photoshop and the generic conventions of a magazine. I have learnt how important photography, fonts and colour schemes amongst other conventions are vitally important to magazines. I have realised that to produce a quality magazine you must plan and research extensively. In my final piece I was able to use a variety of different techniques on Photoshop to make my magazine look professional. As I have a subscription to Q magazine I was able to get inspiration from a magazine that has a similar target audience to my magazine. By having a clear target audience I was able to produce my magazine to meet the needs of the said audience.